What goes from 0-90 in less than 24 hours? Well if you live in Wisconsin, it's the temperature. I am not one to complain about the weather because it's way out of my control, but holy bananas, this is crazy! Yesterday I had the fireplace on, freezing my butt off, this morning a sweatshirt and now it feels like the gates of Hell have been opened. As I snapped yesterday to some of my friends, Mother Nature is more confused than a chameleon in a Skittles bag! (Hahaha!...It's my favorite line ever)...sorry for those that already heard it :) I'm all for Summer getting here, but a pregame would be nice!
Yesterday we celebrated Mothers. I was going to make a podcast on this subject, but I know that I wouldn't be able to get through it without crying. I just recorded one this weekend on Teachers and it took me about 10 takes to get it almost mastered...if you listen...you will here me choking up towards the end...I know one on Mom's I wouldn't ever get it out without a million tears shed. I celebrated the day getting my office ready and just enjoying the simplicities of being home. I know all too well that the time with both of my children under one roof is very limited and I soaked in that moment, while they did what they wanted (sleep and watching movies)...it's all you need to do to make a Mom happy, be happy and do what you want.
There are so many incredible humans and titles to celebrate daily and not one is more important than the other. I would like to thank you all for making a difference in all the lives of those you meet. This is my podcast to Mothers in blog form!
"There is no way to be a perfect Mother and a million ways to be a good one." -Jill Churchill
Tune In
I can't go into my blog about Mom's without dedicating a few good songs to her! I hope that you all find one to pass along to your Mom too!
JJ Heller is one of my favorite artists, every song she sings is pretty great! This one is no different!
If you don't cry with this next one (and laugh), then you deserve an award! Meghan Trainor is awesome, this video is just as amazing!
There are so many great ones! But this one for sure had to make the cut!
Anne-Marie has some pretty great songs! If you haven't heard anything by her, this is a great one to start with!
Of course I had to include this new release by Morgan Wallen!
I hope one of these songs hit your heart in all the right ways!
My Mom will always be my hero...
I don’t want to be insensitive in this blog as I’m aware that some have strained relationships with their Mother. Sadly some no longer have their Mother and some never did know or have their Mother in their life and my heart and love go out to you all. I’m also understanding that some unfortunately were not able to be a Mother and to you my heart and love also goes out to.
19 years ago I was blessed with the most incredible job this life could ever give, I became a Mother. I say job and I realize that can give off a negative feeling, but being a Mother is a 24 hour, 7 days a week responsibility. It requires a care and love that could never be articulated through words, for a child, no matter how grown and independent they become. So while it isn’t a job per say, it demands a lot out of you and can become taxing in the most amazing way.
We as children put these high expectations on our Moms thinking they should know everything there is to know about life. And while they are brilliant within their own experiences often they are learning right along side the children that they are raising. Annoyingly our Mom's teach us lesson after lesson, often when we are not ready to hear it. It’s sometimes days, months or years when that lesson reappears and we finally understand what it is that our Mom's had been trying to teach us the whole time.
Mom's make sacrifices with their time, their career, their personal growth and the million things they want to do in this lifetime. They lose their identity to help their children find theirs. It’s an effortless act that they don’t think twice about, but when their children progress on in life and don’t require the care in the same way as they used to, a Mother learns who it is that she is. While her children are her world, she has to navigate differently through the world. As I’m approaching this moment in my life, I truly understand the sadness and lost feeling my mom must have felt when she watched me become an adult of my own.
My Mom is one of the strongest, most incredible humans I know. I know the sacrifices she made, the battles she fought and the insecurities she had. I know without a doubt she is the best there ever was. I had the pleasure of working with her for 4 years in my later teen years where I watched her manage College Students, work her butt off, sing to the radio and be the person everyone loved to be around. She wasn’t teaching me anything directly, but watching her, she was teaching me how to be an incredible human. I know I’ve broken my Mom's heart and made her cry when I didn’t mean to. I know there are times she’s went without so that I could have something I wanted and I know I do not show enough how much I love and care for her. As I’m watching my kids become strong and independent on their own, I know the happiness and heartache it feels to know they will not need me in the same way as they used to, but the amazing thing about a Mother is you are always needed and loved. While those words don’t get fired at you as often as they should, the love your children carry for you is a feeling unmatched.
I can think of several moments in my Mothering career where I thought I was failing, where I let my anger and annoyance get the best of me, but I always think of my Mom and recognize that I never expected her to be perfect and while I didn’t always understand her frustrations in the moment, as an adult Mother I get some of them now. I say this all the time for many people in my life, but I truly would not be me without my Mother. While we are two very different humans and we often disagree more than we agree, I couldn’t have picked a better Mom if I tried.
Thank you Mom for all that you have done for me. Thank you for loving me, caring for me and being the role model I needed, to become the human that I am. Thank you most importantly for allowing me to job-shadow you for the last 44 years so that I knew what it takes and how to become a good Mom too. You showed me more than I could ever put into a blog, but everything you have shown me has made me the human that I am and for that, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Happy Mothers Day to all of the Mothers out there. Be kind to them. Love them hard and always remember we only get a short time with them, let them know how much they mean to you, always. I love you Mom! Thank you from my big heart for being you.
Be Kind. Be Love. Be You.
Shea, The Bighearted Human
"Motherhood has the greatest potential influence in human life."
Be Kind. Be Love. Be You.