When I was growing up, religion wasn’t a highlight of my upbringing. Something I appreciated then and even now when reflecting on it, is that my parents allowed me to believe whatever I wanted. Both parents had a religious background, but it was never forced or instilled in me to believe a certain way. Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be me on a soap box telling you I had this huge breakthrough and formed my own religion…come follow me, we will talk feelings, chase rainbows and worship cats…okay maybe that’s my life personally but I would never force that on anyone. My point is, religion was whatever and wherever my soul and heart lead me to follow. I always believed something bigger than myself existed. How or what that was, I didn’t know and to be honest, I still don’t, but that had me exploring a variety of paths. I went to several different churches and even joined a Bible study group. The one major take away from the Bible study group and why I’m sharing this story is I remember at one point I said “I just find myself questioning everything. Like none of it makes sense and it frustrates me because while I believe something exists, I don’t, however understand how it’s possible.” To which the leader of the group said “That’s great that you are questioning things. That means you are growing. Within your questions, while concrete answers aren’t always uncovered, new pieces of you will be.” These are words that I refer to and remind myself of, not only when I question those spiritual areas, but in all aspects of my life. When we get stagnant in our growth, life becomes frustrating, boring and sometimes a little hard to take. When we start to become inquisitive, ask for more and challenge ourselves, we begin to blossom again. I’m in a very blossoming time of my life. I find myself questioning everything and I’m constantly looking for answers, but with every question I ask, unlocks something deeper within myself and gives me clearer direction of where I need to go and how I need to get there. One of the most frustrating points of life is the lack of direction. One of the most amazing aspects of life is the lack of direction. If my parents would have laid my spiritual journey out for me and made me follow strict rules and guidelines I know that I would be a different human. I’m not at all saying that my parents way was right or wrong, but much like life, I appreciated the ability to explore my heart and souls direction without a definitive map of where to land. I think life would be a very different and lack luster experience if we had everything laid out for us. While sometimes we wish the answers were more visible, I think deep down inside we know, the answers are within us. There are a lot of humans that believe they have the directions for your journey. They offer suggestions, tell you where to turn and what places you should avoid and which ones to stop at. While they might have your best interest at heart, they do not have the voice of your heart. It takes courage and a level of bravery to look in and follow your own compass. It's great when others guide you into your future, but it's even better when you listen to them and say "Thank you for your advice, but my heart is telling me something different." We get one life. How incredible will you feel at the end of your journey when the highlight reel replays images of you doing everything your heart and soul pushed you to do. How amazing will it be when you can say, "I did that for me!". Be brave and not only listen to the hopes and dreams your inner self is vocalizing, but be courageous enough to chase them.
"Follow your soul, it knows the way."
Tune In
How many concert tickets is too many concert tickets? Every time I buy one, six more artists I love announce their tour. I am just waiting for the Ticketmaster app to text me "Already bought!"....hahaha...for real might have to look into getting an OnlyFans for my feet...just kidding no one wants to see that! Here are three songs on heavy rotation this past week!
Piece of my heart...
One of my bestfriend's texted me tonight to tell me that someone who has never met me, but follows my accounts told her that "my posts uplift her daily." . That was amazing to hear. It's hard to believe, but I don't do this for validation. I spend a lot of hours and time sharing my heart, not because I ever expect to get something from it, but because I want humans to know that they are not alone. That as beautiful as this life truly is, there is a lot of sadness and darkness that sometimes we just can't shake. The most comforting moments in my life has been when I am brave enough to let others know that I am not okay and they allow me to not be. They hear me, they take the time for me and amongst the tears and through my anxiety, they love me. One of the craziest and unexplainable feelings in the world is being surrounded by all the humans who love you and feeling alone. One of the greatest feelings is learning others feel that way too. I feel deeper than most. I love harder than I probably should. But I know what a broken heart feels like and I will continue to share my heart so others don't feel that way. I'm also not naive and realize that it's going to happen and when it does, I will be there to reassure others that I have felt that way too. If you don't have anyone to be there for you, reach out youmatter@progressiverainbows.com and I will be there. I love the outpouring that I have received and it makes my heart incredibly happy when I hear I have helped someone. I have a lot of insecurities I fight through when posting and sharing as often as I do, it's way out of my comfort zone, but that is why I do what I do, to remind not only you, but also me; We deserve this crazy thing called life, but we also deserve to be loved and heard through it too. If I only help one person with what I write and that person only happens to be myself, I'll take it because my smile, at some point, will be what someone is waiting for. Please remember that about you too. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all those that support me, reach out and let me be a part of their lives in one way or another...it truly means the world to me.
"No one is you. That is your superpower."
Be Kind. Be Love. Be You.