What's your story? Has anyone ever taken the time to really get to know what makes you, you? One of my very favorite things is diving into those deep conversations and getting to know what those around me love, what they don't and those times and situations that have helped develop their heart and their mind into what it is right now.
We all have amazing stories that have shaped and molded us into the humans that we are today. I was always told that we should be very selective of who we tell our story to because not everyone is deserving of hearing it. I was all onboard with this philosophy until someone recently said "Your story and your heart is a gift to this world. You should be proud and share it with whomever comes into contact with you throughout your journey. What the listener decides to do with your story is their choice, but you should never hide the gift that you were put on this Earth to share." I might have paraphrased and added my own touch to this thought, but in simple terms, be you and all that you are to everyone that you meet. Those that understand and appreciate the gift that they are receiving will welcome it with open arms, those that weren't meant for it, will fade away.
The thought of losing someone just by being myself is definitely a hard concept to fathom and often times has me building walls and being selective of what I share, but I also know that my light and my heart is something others are waiting to find, so I am doing my very best to become more vulnerable with who it is that I am.
I have been doing some "shadow" work(hahaha...I laugh at this word because I instantly go to shadow puppets and while that would be a lot of fun after a few drinks...shadow work...for those that might have went the puppet shadow route like myself... is the process of looking inward and repairing those items that need a little bit more love and healing...creating a more authentic you.) While diving into this "shadow" work I have realized that my confidence is lacking and I am not always fully aware of how great the gift of me is, so sadly I feel others really don't want to take the time to get to know me or worse yet decide I'm no longer worthy of knowing once I let them inside of my head. Because let's be honest, who really wants to know that I close my eyes while driving past a semi full of animals because the thought of where they are going almost bursts my heart...and that the fictious story I create of Mr. Piggy getting a fun ride to the beach where he can frolic in the crashing waves and sip a mojito in a lounge chair is the story I keep repeating to myself until my mind says it's safe to continue on.
After reading that, if you are still here, this time of year has many of us wondering what to put under the Christmas tree. We panic shop, click add to cart and run our savings account dry trying to give those we love the (said in my best Clark Griswold voice) "Hap happiest Christmas..." well you know the rest. Maybe instead we should focus on giving a piece of ourselves to those that we love. Write a poem, a letter, gift your time, pick up the phone and call someone (whaatt?? a phone call), give whatever you can from your heart because the greatest gift you could ever give someone is a piece of you.
Share your story, be everything that you are and let others rejoice in your uniqueness. And you know what, pour a little harder into those that truly understand the gift that they are receiving. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you and allowing any one of us to be a part of your journey. If I know you, I hold your story close to my heart and if I don't, I surely can't wait to hear it.
Music Hits Differently

Concert Series continues!!
This last weekend a couple of my friend's and I went to watch Kip Moore. Sit down for this, I didn't have my phone out much at all during this concert and most that follow me on Snapchat wouldn't even believe that I went to a concert because I didn't showcase it all on my story like normal. I just took the time to listen, appreciate and make a hundred trips to the bathroom because...alcohol.
This was the second time I have seen him, first time was during a thunderstorm, so it was a better experience watching him dry, but either case, he did not disappoint.
I am a weird concertgoer because I search out the setlist for the artists before I go to see their song lineup. I looked often for his, but only found a couple fans that reported back on the songs he played, so I was a little sad that I couldn't follow along and wasn't exactly sure which songs he would be singing, but it gave me the surprise factor which I don't always allow myself. I will definitely see him again, maybe with a little less alcohol!! A few of my favorite songs of his below!
Heart's Desire
To be honest, I don't think that I really took the time to listen to this song much before this concert, but when he started singing it, I instantly fell in love. When the crowd started singing the chorus with him, I got goosebumps and started crying (me, crying, weird). It's been on heavy rotation this week and still gives me goosebumps.
"I've been 52 rounds with your memory, I'd go 52 more if it'll make you see, girl you mean the world to me."
Last Shot
He sang this as his encore song and it was a perfect ending. The whole crowd was singing and swaying, it was just amazing beyond words!
"If you were my last breath, I'd just wanna hold ya..."
That Was Us
I'm a big one for the sound of raspy voices and this song definitely showcases that side. It is a song I loved before the concert and appreciated even more after hearing him sing it live.
"If there was a backseat, we made love, that was then and that was us."
Listen Linda!
Santa's elves have been working overtime trying to spread the Christmas cheer this holiday season. And by Santa's elves, I mean THE LINDAAASSSSS!!! If you haven't watched them, it's hard to describe...maybe comedy meets disfunction! No one knows what the Hell is going on, but you laugh the entire time. If you have hung out with either of these two or both, you'll know exactly what I mean. Follow them on their Christmas journey, you never know what they have up their sleeve! You can find them on Facebook, Youtube and probably somewhere on the streets! Check out two pretty incredible humans, they make this life pretty fantastic!

Her Words Woke Me!
My Lifecoaching journey is off to a great start! It's a wee bit overwhelming, but in an amazing way! We get to coach our peers and they get to coach us. While it can be nerve racking, it's fun to see that we are all in the same boat with often the same fears. I've really been diving into my feelings and emotions and trying to better understand who it is that I am. I can't be the best Lifecoach I can be, if I am not the best me that I can be. Cliche? Yes! Truth? Even Yesser (forgive me English teachers, I made up a word here).
Today my peer was coaching me and she said something that blew my mind. I was frustrated with myself and taking away my value and she said "What would your best friend say about this? How would they describe you?" I had to think a minute and went "Wait, what?"...and then the words just started to roll off my tongue and then my voice trailed off, replaced by the flood of tears that hit my cheeks.
Why are we so hard on ourselves? Why do we get told a million things that make us the best, but we focus on those few negative words that someone has thrown at us or we allow ourselves to think? Why can't we just be amazing, understand we are flawed, but not fixate on them.
I challenge you, the next time your mind spirals into a negative whirlwind about how shitty you might view yourself, stop and ask the question "What would my best friend say about this? How would they describe me?". I guarantee the best of words will fill your head and you will better understand who it is that you are and what you bring to this life. If you can't think of anything good your best friend would say, maybe it's time to trade for a new one. After all, the humans in your life should challenge you, but always see the best in you. Same goes for you! Keep challenging yourself to become better, but always, always remember how incredible you are.
To whomever takes the time to read this, thank you so very much!!! Big love to you all and a little more to those that need it most! Do something kind for someone today! Lead with love wherever you go!
Be Kind. Be Love. Be You.